This open source project is made to help students find codes in different languages easily for every usecase.
Special Note For Everyone
1. Always make more than 4 pull requests.
2. Lets say, you made 4 PRs to different projects and every pull request got merged.
While on the 7 day review period, one of the PR was taken down by the Hacktoberfest review team.
So now you are left with only 3 PRs and hence your participation wont be counted for swags.
3. Hence I will recommend you to make more than 4 PRs to be on the safe side.
Happy Hacking
🗣 Hacktoberfest encourages participation in the open source community, which grows bigger every year. Complete the 2024 challenge and earn a limited edition T-shirt.
📢 Register here for Hacktoberfest and make four pull requests (PRs) between October 1st-31st to grab free SWAGS 🔥.
Do give us a Star
Contributions Code of Conduct📚:
- Add a new unique program.
- It should have proper extenstion.
- Check for typos and comment mistake in the code.
- Please run the program and check for any errors before making the PR.
- Review other PR’s as well.
- Do not spam, make sure to include all the programs you want to add in one PR.
- Do not remove other’s content.
- Try to make the PR small so as to reduce any merge conflicts.
- Add codes to respective folders according to the language used.
- If you want to add code of a language whose folder is not present,make a new folder and upload the code inside that folder and make a MR.
Upload your code in this repository to particular section.If folder is not present make a new folder and add code. More repositories for contribution in Hacktoberfest 2024.
Repository | Issues | Pull Requests | Forks |
CodesHub Repository for Hacktoberfest-2024 |
- Don’t use foul/bad language and welcome new individuals into the repository.
Github Contribution Rules
- Pull requests can be submitted to any opted-in repository on GitHub or GitLab.
- The pull request must contain commits you made yourself.
- If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam, it will not be counted toward your participation in Hacktoberfest.
- If a maintainer reports behavior that’s not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate.
- To get a t-shirt, you must make four approved pull requests (PRs) on opted-in projects between October 1-31 in any time zone.
This year, only the first 40,000 participants will recieve swags.